We are a club providing information exchange for both experienced and novice homebrewers with a focus on the art and science of brewing in an atmosphere of fellowship.
The club meets at 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of each month, usually at Stein Fillers in Long Beach, CA (562-425-0588). If you are 21 or older you are welcome. Bring a chair and join us.
Our plan is to sample a specific style of beer at each meeting. This will give everyone experience in brewing to a specific style. At each meeting, a raffle is held for a Stein Fillers gift certificate or other goodies.
The dues are $20 per year (or $25 for a family membership which covers you and your spouse). This covers the cost of our website, newsletter The Brews Telegram as well as parties, contests, prizes, and other club events.
As a bonus, members of Long Beach Homebrewers get a 5% discount on homebrewing supplies at Stein Fillers.